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Traffic Accident Reports

Accident Reports

For your convenience, we have partnered with CrashLogic, an online accident report producer. For a small fee, insurance companies can obtain a copy of your accident report by going to buycrash.lexisnexisrisk.com. You must have certain criteria which would have been provided to you on scene in order for your insurance company to locate your accident report.

You must be an involved party or a parent of a minor child in order to obtain a copy of an accident report. An involved party includes the victim, driver, passenger, property owner, and/or registered owner of an involved vehicle.

Request a Report

To obtain a copy of a report, you need to complete an application for the "Request for Release of a Police Report", available below, and at the Turlock Police Records Unit. We can accept your application in person, by fax, or by mail. Upon review and approval, the reports will either be given to you in person, faxed, or be mailed to the address listed on your application.

Request for Release of a Police Report

Reports Involving a Juvenile

If the report contains information involving a juvenile (person under the age of 18), you must complete a T.N.G. Order for review by the Superior Court Judge. You must appear in person at the police department to execute this document. Your signature must be witnessed by a police employee or notary public, as it must go before the Juvenile Court for a ruling. The Juvenile Judge decides whether or not the report shall be released to you. Please plan ahead for this process; it can take approximately two weeks.

Verify Report is Completed and Available

Please call the Turlock Police Records Unit (209) 668-5550 extension 6600, to find out if the report has been completed and to verify it is releasable. You will be required to present identification to verify you are an involved party in an accident report, or a victim for all other reports.


Your report may have a redacted (blacked out) area or missing pages. Redactions are specifically required by laws and policies that we are not able to circumvent. Typically, property crimes will only indicate the damaged property, lost or stolen articles, and values for insurance company purposes to recover your loss. The investigative portion of the report is not released to protect the integrity of the investigation, especially if it will lead to apprehension of a responsible individual(s) in the future.


There is no charge for the first fifteen pages of a report; every page thereafter is fifteen (15) cents per page.

Other Links in the Vehicle Related Issues / Info Section

Parking Citations
Fix-It Ticket Sign Off
Towed / Impounded Vehicles
Abandoned Vehicles / Orange Tag
Stolen Vehicles
VIN Verification
After a Vehicle Accident

For questions about getting a copy of a police report, please contact:

Turlock Police Records
244 N. Broadway
Turlock, CA 95380
(209) 668-6500
Monday - Friday 8AM-12PM, 1PM - 5PM

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